by Steven Timmons, DTM
As you start into any Pathways journey, you may feel like a spelunker in a cave. Today we hope to remove some of that mystery and get you on your way.
Level 1 consists of 3 required projects. Each project is to be completed sequentially. Don’t jump ahead.
There is a total of 4 speeches and 1 evaluation that must be completed in those 3 projects.
They breakdown as follows:
- Project 1:
- Take the before assessment
- The Icebreaker Speech (4-6 minutes)
- Note: Opens Project 2 and Project 3
- Recap: required to complete Project 1
- Speech (4- to 6- minutes)
- Take the after-assessment (completes the project)
- Project 2:
- Take the before assessment
- First Speech on any topic (5-7 minutes)
- Receive and review speech feedback
- At a different meeting, present a 2nd speech
- Can be the same speech revised or a different speech
- Speech should incorporate the feedback received
- Recommended that you have the same evaluator perform a speech evaluation after both speeches
- Present an evaluation of another speaker in the club
- Recap: required to complete Project 2
- Speeches x 2 (5- to 7- minutes)
- Evaluation x 1 (2- to 3- minutes)
- Take the after-assessment (completes the project)
- Project 3:
- Take the before assessment
- Select and research an unfamiliar topic
- Present a 5-7 speech based on that research
- Recap: required to complete Project 3
- Speech (5- to 7- minutes)
- Take the after-assessment (completes the project)
- Level 1 Approval:
- Make requests to Base Camp Managers
- Base Camp Manager approves Level 1
- Approval is not the same as being awarded Level 1
- Level 1 Awarded: Education awards are processed through Club Central
There is an evaluation before and after each project. Jumping ahead can cause you to lose track in your level.
When you have taken the after-assessment for a project. The system assumes you have completed that project. It will mark that project as complete which cannot be undone.
We have seen some people complete all projects in a single setting, yet they have not completed anything at that point. They must track themselves until they catch back up.
When you have completed all projects for a level, you need to send a request to the Base Camp Manager to approve your completion of a Level. This is very important.
Do not just move into the next Level without getting approved for a given Level.
One of the Base Camp Managers in your club (VP-Education, President or Secretary) will review your progress and decide if your Level is completed.
They are responsible for not approving a Level until you have in fact met the requirements for that Level.
Being approved for a Level is not the same thing as being awarded a Level.
In order to be awarded a Level completion. An officer such as your VP-Education will need to go into Club Central and file the award.
I hope these clarifications will assist you in completing Level 1 and future levels of your Path.
Enjoy your journey!