by Bob Beideck DTM Spring Conference Chair
As the Spring 2018 Conference Chair, I learned a lot.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. This is one of the hardest things, especially since I like to be independent, but it’s impossible to do everything yourself and you take away learning opportunities from others.
Trust the people that you picked, they will help everything run smoothly no matter what. I got advice from others when choosing my team so that the right people would be in place including some who were experienced and giving some the opportunity to see their full potential. The best team is compromised of people with different abilities that come together and form one cohesive team that is very successful and builds off its members.
Stay informed, but let your team get things done their way within the parameters that that you give them.
Celebrate together, no matter what, your team helped you get it done and should get credit for what they did. A true leader knows that he can’t get it done by himself and acknowledges the people who helped him. Seeing people succeed and see what you saw in them is the best reward.
It was a lot of hard work, but well worth it and I had a great team that helped make it a success.