By Robi Ley, DTM, 2018-2019 District Director
Hollywood galas have nothing on D25! The carpet may not have been red, but we had our own share of A-listers, paparazzi, and awards, awards, awards.
Yes, I’m talking about our Annual Awards Banquet! If you missed it, you missed out. Once again, Ridglea Country Club hosted. The food was delicious. Co-chairs Melissa Southerland and Vannesa Rivera transformed the hall into an amazing visual space with vintagesque photos in black and white and sepia tones. Everywhere we looked, there were snapshots to remind us of the great year we’d had. Small souvenirs graced each table, bringing to mind all those new destinations we reached.
Our A-listers? Past District Director Greg Pick, our illustrious Toastmaster for the evening. A bevy of well-known ladies including Jodie Sanders, Marlyee Mims, Cindy Hinckley, Bonne Stroman, and Diana Patton; past district leaders all. We even had some pretty high-muckety-mucks from out of town. Our District 23 neighbors, all the way from Lubbock, TX, Tracy Thomason and his beautiful wife Lisa. They’re both DTMs and Tracy is our soon-to-be Immediate Past International Director. Yes, it was quite a guest list.
Of course, the stars of the night as always, are the members themselves who worked hard all year to complete projects, share knowledge, attend meetings, and generally make their own, and their fellow Toastmasters’, lives that much better. The trio gave away many, many accolades, all accompanied by various forms of vocal variety and body language. Thank you, Greg!
Our own Mark Novak documented the entire evening on film, okay on digital, but you get the idea. Private paparazzo, Riley Pennell was on hand to make every attendee feel like a superstar with their own personal photo shoot. Other random and candid shots were taken throughout the night, as attendees captured moments special to them or their clubs.
The highlight of the night? That probably depends on your point of view, but since I’m the one writing this, I get to choose. My choice; the final recognitions. Congratulations and a well-deserved round of applause go to the following for all their work this past year:
District Director Service Award: Charlie Bowles
One Degree of Change Award: Tammy Kasterke
Area Director of the Year: Alex Conrad, Area 34
Division Director of the Year: Jill Morrison, Division D
Toastmaster of the Year: Larry Core
Kudos to you all.
Thank you once again to the members of District 25 for making this past year so amazing for me, and for you. Thank you. Jamie and Chris, for allowing me to be me, and for helping me find a better version of me. Thank you to the past leaders who paved the way. Thank you to everyone who showed up, and who continues to show up at their club meetings, officer training, and district events.
Let’s do it again next to Celebrate You – 70 Years Strong.
Robi Ley, DTM, Immediate Past District Director . . . signing off.
Below are just a few of the pictures of the evening.
You might want to check out these links:
Special Member Awards
Photo album of evening
2018-2019 Photo Story
Hall of Fame
Summary of Awards by Club
Description of Awards