by Timothy Fields, DTM, Division Director
Welcome to Toastmasters where leaders are made. We’ve all heard this phrase as members of Toastmasters. This tagline was put to the test at the second annual D25 Summit where seven fearless leaders and their band of warriors (Area Directors and club officers) converged at Whites Chapel for the first annual District 25 Area Council. We were armed with our toolboxes filled with self-awareness; self -regulation; motivation; emotion; social skills; and all the things learned as Toastmasters. I was briefed and received our mission from the infamous Trio to strategically enhance our club member’s experience while growing as leaders and effective communicators.
I will admit a sense of nervousness overcame me when my Area Directors and their respective club officers sat at the table for a meeting of the minds. They began their meetings by walking club officers through Distinguished Club Program (DCP) information and purpose as well as how to leverage the Club Success Plan (CSP). While walking and listening to the discussions, it was refreshing to see and hear my officers’ level of confidence. Next up was an engaging brainwriting exercise where club officers actively shared club challenges and received solutions from fellow club officers within their Area while gaining insight into overcoming shared club challenges. The area council meeting was winding down as Area Directors continued to display their enhanced knowledge of Toastmasters walking through the criteria of the coveted Golden Gavel Award and how to run effectively; productive; and lively club meetings while developing a better understanding of how the Area Director can help.
The meeting ended as a rush of euphoria swept through me seeing everyone as a collective walk away with a sense of accomplishment, confidence and a new degree of understanding. I walked away with a feeling of pride to see that District 25 Toastmasters is in good hands. I’m humbled to have had the opportunity to see and experience what leadership looks like. What does leadership look like you might ask? It looks like you and me.