by Jessica M. Forsman
Over the past weekend, I had a wonderful opportunity to join in the D25 Area Council Meeting. I currently serve as the Sergeant-at-Arms (SAA) for Mr. Cooper Speaks so it was special that I was able to attend since an SAA typically doesn’t attend this meeting. The overall theme for the meeting was “2 Steps Forward” and we got to hear a speech from Jamie Pickering titled “Little L Leadership.” We were broken up into our respective area groups for a learning session on how to take the first step to help the future of our clubs. My absolute favorite part of the Area Council Meeting was hearing Jamie’s speech! It made me think of the leaders that I have reported to and which one really made a difference in my life/career. My career at Mr. Cooper has been a unique one and I do thank my old boss Austin Cobb for seeing me for my worth and helping me move up in the company. It is important to thank those who have had a positive effect on you and who have helped shape your life. That person may not even realize how much of an impact they had on your life, but it is nice to let them know what they did for you. I also was able to reflect on the type of leader I am right now and how I can learn to be a better leader in the future. Overall, I’m so thankful for the opportunity to attend this meeting and listen to the wonderful speeches, and the opportunity to reflect back on the leaders who have influenced me.