By Chris Raneri, District Director 2020-2021 & Ninfa Flewitt, District Director Elect 2021-2022
The finish line to your year-long marathon is in sight and is attainable. In the beginning of the year, you were asked to define your long-term goals and then to break each one down into smaller, shorter goals – the ole “eat the elephant bite by bite” theory. These goals may have been finishing a level, a path, a year of district service or even serving in a club role or officer role you have never done before.
You did all of this and more. I’m immensely proud of your ability to be flexible with our ever-changing environment while keeping your long-term goals in focus. Your club and the members within have been able to show growth in their abilities while shifting the club’s operation to be virtual. You have run your marathon at a good pace which has allowed you to predict when areas needed to shift.
You have a few miles left to run, but I know we will finish strong together. As we look to the next Toastmaster year, I am inspired by all of you. I can’t wait to see what new opportunities 2021-2022 will bring.
As we continue running our marathon, we continue to set new goals for success! I imagine a year where we help and inspire each other to excellence. Where we celebrate each win, big and small. Where we encourage each other, with intention, to take the next step in our journey.
You have a few days left in this Toastmaster year, to finish Running Your Marathon and a full year ahead to inspire each other to success! What does success look like to you? I encourage you to let the incoming leadership team help you achieve that next goal!
Let’s get a jump start on the year, by setting goals and marking them off one at a time!
It’s been an honor to serve as your District Director 2020-2021, Chris Raneri, DTM
I look forward to serving as your District Director for 2021-2022, Ninfa Flewitt, DTM
D25, I am Inspired by YOU!