by Ninfa Flewitt DTM District Director
A Little Rain
They say in life a little rain must fall.
When my children were little and were afraid of the storms, I used to tell them to be thankful for the rain. The rain waters the plants, fills our lakes and water sources. The rain is good for the animals and people, we all need water to live. Even if it seems scary, like Texas rain sometimes can, to always be thankful because with the rain comes growth.
The same goes for the challenges we face in life; big challenges, small challenges, they grow us. We may not appreciate the growth while it happens. There is a reason people call them, “growing pains.” We grow through the pain into something stronger and more beautiful. So, complete that level even if you have a 20-minute speech to prepare. Take on that District Leader Role to knock out your DTM. Need help finding ideas for your DTM project? We can help with that. It seems scary now, but YOU have it in you to do it, even if it seems scary!
Like the butterfly who begins life as a caterpillar, we metamorphosize into something even better when we learn through life’s lessons. Keep being thankful for the rain that falls. Be thankful for the growth opportunities that come your way. Embrace the challenge to grow stronger!
District 25, I am Inspired by YOU.