By Krystal Besaw, Division E Director
You may be someone who says, “I don’t have time to go to events and network.” Or perhaps you’re a person who asks yourself, “What’s the real value in networking anyway?”
To evaluate if networking is something you should make time for, you must first consider the impact establishing a network has on cultivating true connections with others. Networking is an activity, an interaction, and an exchange of information that helps develop contacts and can even support career growth. Networking is a great first step.
However, a true connection can blossom into something much deeper. A more meaningful relationship can occur as a result of successful networking and is one of the greatest ways you can realize your potential and challenge yourself to become a stronger person. Not only can those connections lead to new personal and professional relationships, but they can change you for the better.
I saw that type of connection at work during the recent D25 Summit, themed “Draw your Bridge.” I witnessed connections made from the previous year’s D25 Annual Spring Conference yield an accountability-based partnership. Patty Wyatt and Jon Lukacher presented to the Summit-goers a way to cultivate continued success. Or perhaps the partnership in those lucky enough to see the established comedy duo that was Michelle Debenport and Kim Story’s angel and devil routine teaching us to be funny.
New connections introduce you to new ideas, build alliances, and foster potential mentors. New connections help you on the journey you are undertaking, whether at Toastmasters or bridging a new friendship. Build a connection with a lasting foundation by attending the next D25 event, it could become a bridge to a lifelong companion and empower your legacy for years to come.