By Ninfa Flewitt, DTM, IPDD, Leadership Committee Chair
I have always heard, if you want something done, give it to a busy person. This year, we have seen many busy people continue to stay busy by helping lead this District! They are getting better in the process. I know I did.
What about you? Are you busy? Are you getting better? Are you giving back and taking care of business? If not, this is your nudge to do so!
We are looking for District Leaders. There are several elected positions and your intent to run, must be filed soon. Wondering what positions are elected? Division Directors, Club Growth Director, Program Quality Director, and District Director are all elected positions.
If you plan to run for one of these opportunities (and I hope you do), email no later than January 15, 2023. Does that mean you should wait until then? NO! Official paperwork must be completed by then, so don’t wait! Submit your intent now. This allows us to provide you with valuable information regarding the next steps when you run for an elected position.
Unsure of what you may be qualified for? Join us for a Virtual District Leadership Panel January 7, 2023. This panel will be held in conjunction with the special President’s Training. You may register once for both events at
For more information about elected positions, please visit:
Have questions? Email the District Leadership Committee Chair, Ninfa Flewitt at
Together, we will continue taking care of business the District 25 Toastmasters way!