by John Aparicio Area 42 Director
I was not sure what to expect at my first District Executive Council (DEC) and Leadership Training meeting on July 27. What I experienced was meeting familiar friendly faces I had only seen once in person or over Zoom a few times. The love and acceptance I received were truly heartwarming. I knew I had a crew that would l help me no matter the struggles that may ensue. The Trio, Division Directors, and Area Directors were more than gracious to catch me up as I had joined the TEAM late. With their help, I could understand things I had never heard about, like what is a Nemileta Award and how we get it!!! You mean all we need to do is visit our clubs or other clubs in D25 and fill needed roles! Sign me up!
Attendees at the DEC meeting were empowered with knowledge, laughter, support, and most of all, FUN to build a better D25 Family on a united front. That is what it is all about, building the confidence to speak, present, sharpen your leadership skills, and spread that knowledge and effective skill building to all you encounter. We all have a story to tell and something you dream to accomplish in your personal or professional life and Toastmasters is the place to do it!
What a welcoming and warming family I have joined. I am beyond excited to be part of the DEC this Toastmasters’ Year on our mission to “Empowering Legacy”!