by Phylliss Christian-Daniels VC2 Division A Director
The last 3-1/2 years have been ones where I’ve grown by leaps and bounds, because I was brave enough to say yes to being a Toastmaster. One of the first things I heard as a new member that intrigued me was the Mission Statement. A few meetings later, Core Values were introduced to me. Although I was familiar with the concept, there was something about a Toastmasters setting that sparked me to view the words on another level.
Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It’s a state of being whole and undivided. I Promise in 2023 to be honestly genuine in my words, and authentic in my actions. I will be true to myself and to others while operating in consistency. Staying true to my beliefs and values will be key.
Respect is one of the most powerful qualities a leader could ever possess. It adds volume to any relationship. My goal in 2023 is to accept people for who they are, regardless of how different we may be. I will constantly remind myself that we don’t have to agree on everything to make something happen. Respect in any relationship builds a feeling of trust, safety and wellbeing.
Achieving excellence has always been a desire I’ve longed for. I’ve spent most of my adult years pouring into the lives of others; and there is nothing wrong with doing so. I’ve found a balance to help both others and not forget about myself in the process. 2023 will be the year I make sure I get what I need, so others can understand how important it is to operate in excellence.
I, Phylliss Christian-Daniels, in 2023 will walk in integrity, noble-minded and trustworthy. I will emulate respect so that I can receive respect. I will, as I continue my Toastmasters journey, embrace excellence wholeheartedly so that one day I can look in the mirror and tell myself you did well Phylliss.
Toastmasters, I thank you for caring enough to coach and nurture me to be better!