PathwaysSpeech Contests

Toastmasters International Partnership with Yoodli

From Toastmasters International President, Matt Kinsey, DTM   As you know, practice and feedback are at the heart of the Toastmasters learning experience. Building on that foundation, I am excited to share that Toastmasters Yoodli is now live! Alongside your club evaluations, this artificial intelligence (AI) platform will serve as another powerful speech feedback tool.Toastmasters Yoodli can instantly provide analytical…

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District EventsLeadership

Taking Care of Business

By Ninfa Flewitt, DTM, IPDD, Leadership Committee Chair   I have always heard, if you want something done, give it to a busy person.  This year, we have seen many busy people continue to stay busy by helping lead this District!  They are getting better in the process.  I know I did. What about you?…

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Winter TLI Supplementals

By Emily Murray, DTM, Program Quality Director Winter TLI Season is upon us!  There will be 13 sessions hosted by D25; 7 led by the district and 6 by the divisions.  This winter our general session will focus on becoming an effective team leader. For Presidents, we are again holding our special President’s Breakfast training…

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Good AdviceMembership

Voting At The Club Level

By Marcheta Gardner, DTM, District Director   The following information has been received regarding voting at the club level A member can vote on any matter of club business while they attend the club meeting with the use of an online meeting platform. The member is considered present and part of the quorum as long…

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In Memoriam

Larry Mills, DTM – RIP

By Phylliss Christian-Daniels If the question were asked what’s in it for me, Larry Mill’s answer would be DEDICATION. What a great example of exemplifying such a strong trait not only as a D25 Toastmaster but as a husband, father, grandfather, colleague, and friend. Larry’s love for being a Toastmaster and the incredible leader he was is…

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