District EventsEducationGood AdviceIncentivesMember GrowthPersonal GrowthProgram Quality DirectorTLI

Winter Officer Training Now Fully Active and Live!

by Emily Murray DTM Program Quality Director Calling all club officers current or future! Toastmasters Leadership Institute training sessions are now open and active for the winter. They started January 6th and run through February 19. Everyone is always welcome to attend these sessions which are free.  We are 100% virtual this winter so attend…

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Winter TLI Supplementals

By Emily Murray, DTM, Program Quality Director Winter TLI Season is upon us!  There will be 13 sessions hosted by D25; 7 led by the district and 6 by the divisions.  This winter our general session will focus on becoming an effective team leader. For Presidents, we are again holding our special President’s Breakfast training…

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Good AdviceTLI

Why Attend Another TLI?

by Jesse Ford DL4/SR3 Division G Director If I got trained over the summer, why do I have to do it again? Because I said so. Didn’t you hate that answer as a kid? In truth, TLI training is a requirement by Toastmasters International. That seems a little redundant and not very inspiring, but I…

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TLI Newsletter Script

By Sundra Smith, TLI Chair H-O-T Off The Press!!!  All Club Officers and Members are cordially invited to attend the new and innovative Winter TLI facilitated by District 25 members. This TLI will be hosted in-Person and virtually. Click here for dates and full details of each session. Read a brief synopsis of the supplemental…

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District EventsTLITraining

by Jesse Ford, DL3 On Saturday, January 30, as a sitting President for my Corporate club, I was invited to attend a special “president’s only” training session where our Region Advisor Violetta Rios delivered a keynote. First off … How awesome is it to have our Region Advisor come to speak? If you ever have…

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