Club dues are paid semi-annually before end of September (Oct-Mar) and end of March (Apr-Sep)
Dues are of two types:
- Those submitted to Toastmasters International.
- Those used for club administration.
Toastmasters International dues are $45.00 for six month period. If a member joins during a dues cycle, TI dues are pro-rated at $7.50 per month. If a member joins in November, dues are $45 minus $7.50 or $37.50. A new member pays the pro-rated amount plus a $20 new member fee. A renewing member pays $45, but not the $20 new member fee (see chart).
Clubs establish club dues in their bylaws and typically vote on establishing or changing their dues. They can charge a new member fee, club dues, both, or neither. Members interested in joining a club should ask a club officer about dues and fees; clubs should prepare and make available guest kits with those details.
Note: In September and March, some clubs may ask members joining in those months to pay the new member fees, pro-rated dues, and dues renewal amount. In this way, that new member need not pay twice – once to join and again to renew – during a short interval.