Logistics Manager

Remember all banners are displayed in the Hall of Honor so we get to look at them throughout the conference. Receive inspiration from the older clubs with all the beautiful ribbons for accomplishments over the years.

Tip: Have a club member who is attending the conference remember to take the banner at the last meeting before the conference, then a club member be responsible for returning the banner to the club.

Please check in with the Banner Coordinator upon arrival then post your banner in the Hall of Honor to ensure your club is recognized during the Honor Roll Call. If you have questions about the banner display email our District 25 Logistics Manager Bobby Madera.

If your club is participating in the banner display, please register  by completing the form below to ensure a spot.

The Following Cubs Have Already Registered Their Banner!
If your club’s name isn’t on the list and you plan to attend conference
complete form at bottom of this page.

Afterburners Club ProAM
Alliance Networks Region 6
Bethesda Roanoke Texas Toastmasters
Burleson Toastmasters Strategic Communicators
Denton Toastmasters Top Flight Toastmasters
Flagship Speakers World Renowned Grand Prairie
MidCities Achievers
Please include the person's Toastmasters education level.