Welcome to the Resources Page
This is your one stop shop for all things District 25 and Toastmasters International. Browse around our categories of resources to get what you need.
This is your one stop shop for all things District 25 and Toastmasters International. Browse around our categories of resources to get what you need.
In this section of our website, you’ll find information that may be useful in your office. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for and which you think might be helpful to others as well, please let us know by emailing to the Webmaster.
Club Meeting Roles from Toastmasters International – details
Ah Counter Script & Log
Effective Evaluations
General Evaluator Checklist
Grammarian Script & Log
Meeting Speaker Introduction
Timer Script & Log
Topicmaster Script & Log
Toastmaster Checklist
Public Speaking Tips from Toastmasters International
Tips for successful virtual meetings – added 3/19/20
A Toastmaster Wears Many Hats
Includes tips on when you’re the speaker, evaluator, Toastmaster, table topics master, general evaluator, timer, grammarian, and “ah” counter. Great resource to use in guest packets or new member kits to explain the meeting roles. This can also be ordered from Toastmasters International – Catalog 1167D.
Video Release Form – From Toastmasters International
Agenda Template *new 9/10/17
Master Your Meetings *updated 7/9/21
A Guide to Quality in the Club
The Ice-Breaker
The “Ice Breaker” project from Level 1. – updated 6/29/20
All meeting roles and sign-in sheets – added 7/1/18
(sign-in, ah counter, grammarian, timer sheet)
All meeting roles and sign-in sheets
(multiple worksheets: ah counter, grammarian, etc.)
Ah-Counter Report
A tool clubs can use for their Ah-Counter.
Listener Report
A tool clubs can use for their Listener.
General Evaluator Report
A tool clubs can use for their General Evaluator.
Grammarian Report
A tool clubs can use for their Grammarian.
Timers Report *Updated 8/2/17
A tool clubs can use for their Timer.
All About Toastmasters Brochure
This full-color brochure discusses the details of the purpose and organization of Toastmasters International and its Clubs. A must for every club guest or visitors packet. This can also be ordered from Toastmasters International – Catalog 124.
Additional Resources can be found on the Membership and Marketing Page and the Education Page and Pathways
New Member Resource Page
In this section you find links to the most frequently needed pages at Toastmasters International as well as contact information in different categories for District 25. If you can’t find information you’re looking for and which you think might be helpful to others as well, please let us know by emailing to the Webmaster.
Support Structure – District 25 – Helpful Template for each Area Director – 2021-2022
Updated 8/5/2021
(Download Power Point and Add Club Names & Club Officer Information)
wpDataTable with provided ID not found!
Have Pathways questions? Can’t find what you need? Please contact our district’s Pathways Coordinator. He will answer your questions or find you the help you need. Jim can be contacted at jimjameson@d25toastmasters.org. Email Jim with your questions or concerns!
Pathways Contacts: Meet the new D25 Pathways Team
Paths and Projects Catalog (from D57) — a handy, easy to navigate PDF reference file (Look ahead in your paths and see all projects and options.)
Path Tracking Spreadsheet — covering all paths (old & new) in a single file. (Each path on a separate tab, plus additional reference tabs.)
Other progress tracking and reference tools — In the sections below there are several different tools that do similar things (to meet different learning styles and preferences). Some include Progress Charts with each Path in a separate fillable PDF file (22 files total).
Another Path/Project Reference Page — click here to view
Path Selection Made Easier Video (TI, 2/2020) — click here to view
Paths/Levels/Project – helpful 2-page document
Path Reference Files — Drill down to Paths, Levels, Projects
(Select Path below to view detail on each project.)
*Resources developed by Julie Dall of This path helps you build your skills as a strategic leader. The projects on this path focus on understanding leadership and communication styles, the effect of conflict on a group and the skills needed to defuse and direct conflict. These projects also emphasize the development of strategies to facilitate change in an organization or group, interpersonal communication and public speaking. This path culminates in a project focused on applying your leadership skills.
This path helps you build your skills as a positive communicator and leader. The projects on this path focus on understanding and building consensus, contributing to the development of others by coaching and establishing strong public speaking skills. Each project emphasizes the importance of effective interpersonal communication. This path culminates in a “High Performance Leadership” project of your design.
View Path Details | View Path | Progress ChartThis path is designed to help you build your skills as a humorous and engaging public speaker. The projects on this path focus on understanding your sense of humor and how that sense of humor translates to engaging audience members. The projects contribute to developing an understanding of how to effectively use humor in a speech, including challenging situations and impromptu speeches. This path culminates in an extended humorous speech that will allow you to apply what you learned.
View Path Details | View Path | Progress ChartThis path helps you build your skills as a public speaker and leader. The projects on this path focus on developing a strong connection with audience members when you present, speech writing and speech delivery. The projects contribute to building an understanding of the steps to manage a project, as well as creating innovative solutions. This path culminates in a “High Performance Leadership” project of your design.
View Path Details | View Path | Progress ChartThis path helps you build your skills as an effective communicator and leader. The projects on this path focus on learning how to manage time, as well as how to develop and implement a plan. Public speaking and leading a team are emphasized in all projects. This path culminates in the planning and execution of an event that will allow you to apply everything you learned.
View Path Details | View Path | Progress ChartThis path helps you build your skills as a powerful and effective communicator. The projects focus on learning strategies for building connections with the people around you, understanding motivation and successfully leading small groups to accomplish tasks. This path culminates in a comprehensive team-building project that brings all of your skills together—including public speaking.
View Path Details | View Path | Progress ChartThis path helps you build your skills as a powerful and effective communicator. The projects focus on learning strategies for building connections with the people around you, understanding motivation and successfully leading small groups to accomplish tasks. This path culminates in a comprehensive team-building project that brings all of your skills together—including public speaking.
View Path Details | View Path | Progress ChartThis path helps you build your skills as a powerful and effective communicator. The projects focus on learning strategies for building connections with the people around you, understanding motivation and successfully leading small groups to accomplish tasks. This path culminates in a comprehensive team-building project that brings all of your skills together—including public speaking.
View Path Details | View Path | Progress ChartThis path helps you build your skills as a leader in communication. The projects on this path focus on understanding diversity, building personal and/or professional connections with a variety of people and developing a public relations strategy. Communicating well inter personally and as a public speaker is emphasized in each project. The path culminates in a project to apply your skills as a leader in a volunteer organization.
View Path Details | View Path | Progress ChartThis path helps you build your skills as a collaborative leader. The projects on this path focus on active listening, motivating others and collaborating with a team. Each project contributes to building interpersonal communication and public speaking skills. This path culminates in a project focused on applying your leadership skills.
View Path Details | View Path | Progress ChartThis path helps you build your skills as a strategic communicator and leader. The projects on this path focus on developing your skills for sharing information with a group, planning communications and creating innovative solutions. Speech writing and speech delivery are emphasized in each project. This path culminates in the development and launch of a long-term personal or professional vision.
View Path Details | View Path | Progress Chart
Description of each path & visual representation of the required projects on one sheet
Describes the projects required for each level in your path, including mentoring
(Pathways Reference Guide) – added 3/26/2019 The Pathways Reference Guide has been put together as a companion guide to The Navigator to assist members beginning the Pathways learning Experience for the first time, and as a useful ongoing reference for members working in Pathways.
(12 pages) – updated 8/3/2021. A list of all projects in every path
A 77 page summary of every project in Pathways, organized by path. The guide was authored by District 57.
Provides a description of the program and the club environment – a must read
(be sure to ‘enable’ contact email to be publicly accessible)
Ensures that the Base camp managers get notified.
A how-to document for the tasks a base camp manager does
Southern River Toastmasters, Perth, Australia, District 17.
Pathways Ice Breaker sample project #1 –
Where Will Pathways Take You? (Flyer PDF): Communicates the value of the new education program. Share it in your district, and help new and prospective members understand Pathways since the traditional education program is no longer available to them.
Transform Your Talent (Flyer PDF): Helps human resources and talent development professionals understand how Pathways will benefit their company.
The video to the right was presented in District 71 by Mark Snow, DTM in District 69. Mark has the distinction of being the very first to achieve a Pathways DTM in Toastmasters. The presentation is designed to take the “scary” out of Pathways and demystify it. A link to his PowerPoint Presentation can be found below.
Ready, Set, Launch – PowerPoint Presentation
If you have any questions regarding how to build up your membership with your club, contact our Club Growth Director, Jesse Ford.
Virtual Guest Packet – Links to suggested documents for virtual guest packet Flyers for promoting your Toastmasters Club and finding new members. Most flyers can be modified to include your club information. Check out information available from Toastmasters International
(Check in the ‘Helpful Documents & Flyers for Download’ section of this page for flyers for virtual meetings)
Consider putting some of these documents in a new member ‘transition packet’ to assist the new member for a smooth transition before receiving materials from Toastmasters International Other Helpful New Member Resources
(make sure you click through from categories – currently only ‘Public’ but sub-categories under ‘Public’)
Welcome to the Contest Resources Page. If you have any feedback, please please print out forms and send improvement ideas to jerodblackman@d25toastmasters.org.
Zoom Training Recording 2/2022 == 2023 == == 2022 == == 2021 == == 2020 == == 2019 == *Complete eligibility requirements, and all other rules, can be found in the current contest rule book – link at top of this page. Below is an excerpt from the rule book related to education requirements for the International Speech Contest: All contestants must be paid members of a club in good standing, and for the International Speech Contest must also have earned Certificates of Completion in Levels 1 and 2 of any path within the Toastmasters Pathways Learning Experience or have earned a Distinguished Toastmaster award.
Zoom 101 2/2022
Zoom guide 2/2022
Zoom for Contests (pdf) updated 3/25/23
Zoom for Contests (word) updated 3/25/23
Power Point (in pdf format) *added 3/24/20
Cheat Sheet for those involved in virtual contests – Revised 01/14/21
-updated periodically during contest season
-Contestants must complete form before contest and sign at the contest
Modify samples below as needed
Certificates Provided by Toastmasters International
However, a charter member of a club chartered less than one (1) year before the club contest is permitted to compete without having completed this requirement. The club must have officially chartered before the Area contest.
Welcome to the Toastmasters Leadership Institute Resources Page. Anything pertaining to resources to aide in TLI’s will be found here. If you have any questions, please contact our TLI Coordinators, Sallie Jett and Les Condit.
(found trough District Leader Tools on TI site)
In this section of our web site you’ll find information that may be useful for education in Toastmasters.
If you can’t find information you’re looking for and which you think might be helpful to others as well, please let us know by emailing to the Webmaster.
Education Materials – Toastmasters International Road to Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Information Toastmasters International’s The Successful Club Series is a set of presentations addressing the subject of quality club meetings. Members will learn about the skills and standards they must strive to achieve for their club to be successful. Toastmasters International’s The Better Speaker Series is a set of presentations offering instruction on basic speaking skills. Designed to be delivered by members to their clubs, presentations in this series provide new speaking techniques and facts that can help all club members develop their communication skills. Beginning Your Speech | PDF | PPT Toastmasters International’s The Leadership Excellence Series is a set of presentations addressing the subject of leadership. Members will learn about the skills they will need to be successful leaders inside and outside of Toastmasters. Visionary Leader | PDF | PPT
Additional Education Information – Toastmasters International
Club/District Powerpoint Template *added 8/2018
Pathways – click here to see full details
Information from Toastmasters InternationalThe Successful Club Series – click here to download directly from TI
Keeping the Commitment
How To Be a Distinguished ClubThe Better Speaker Series – click here to download directly from TI
Concluding Your Speech | PDF | PPT
Controlling Your Fear | PDF | PPT
Impromptu Speaking | PDF | PPT
Selecting Your Topic | PDF | PPT
Know Your Audience | PDF | PPT
Organizing Your Speech | PDF | PPT
Creating an Introduction | PDF | PPT
Preparation & Practice | PDF | PPT
Using Body Language | PDF | PPTThe Leadership Excellence Series – click here to download directly from TI
Developing A Mission | PDF | PPT
Values & Leadership | PDF | PPT
Goal Setting & Planning | PDF | PPT
Delegate to Empower | PDF | PPT
Building a Team | PDF | PPT
Giving Effective Feedback | PDF | PPT
The Leader as a Coach | PDF | PPT
Motivating People | PDF | PPT
Service & Leadership | PDF | PTT
Resolving Conflict | PDF | PPT