Entry requirements:
- All District 25 club websites will be considered. There is no need to notify the District’s Public Relations Manager to enter the contest.
- Club websites will be reviewed by a committee selected by PRM during the month of April. The committee members will be announced with the announcement of the winner at the Spring Annual Conference.
- The website must remain accessible from the deadline through the conference dates, or it will be disqualified.
- To be eligible, clubs must be in good standing with Toastmasters International – dues fully paid.
Club websites are judged on the following criteria:
Rubric outlined below:
4 PART RUBRIC= Each Section has 3 sub parts with 1 point each
- HOMEPAGE – 1 point = Yes, or 0 points = No
- Meeting Info?
- Point of Contact?
- Updated picture?
- PAGE ISSUES – 1 point = No, or 0 points = Yes
- Spelling issues
- Grammar issues
- Formatting
- TOASTMASTERS GUIDELINES – 1 point = Yes, or 0 points = No
- Branding guidelines followed
- Listed on D25 website – “Find-A-Club”
- Listed on Toastmasters International website – “Find-A-Club”
- Scored by Judge 1 to 10
- Does it make me want to join their club meeting? – 1 point = Yes, or 0 points = No
The 4 Sections are then added up for a total score out of 20 possible. In the event of a tie list of all clubs with same score will then be presented for a vote to the currently seated Division Directors.
***Special Note***
A Division Director may not vote for any club in that:
1. A club which they are a member OR
2. A club within their own division. If there is still a tie the District Director reserves right to be final vote but none of the preceding is disclosed in the same way judges are kept anonymous at contest.
In the rubric screenshotted below with a hypothetical scenario it shows clubs both Chuck’s as well as Robi’s respectively with 17 points indicating then that these 2 clubs would then be voted on by Division Directors for vote.