Secretary & Acting Chair: Kelsey Dean
Parliamentarian: Mike Kinser
Members: Ninfa Flewit, Denise McConnel, Ross Moore

Like many organizations, Toastmasters International creates a multi-year Strategic Plan to address challenges and take advantage of opportunities, both current and in the future. A corresponding five-year District 25 Strategic Plan would facilitate progress towards achieving excellence in serving the member and member clubs. To accomplish developing a District 25 Strategic Plan, the District created a Strategic Planning Committee (SPC).
The Strategic Planning Committee is an advisory board. All final decisions regarding any part of the plan lie with the District Trio (District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director).
The SPC will develop one, two, and five-year Strategic Plans by ascertaining the District’s current state, researching trends that affect the District, and identifying areas (e.g. District bylaws, actions, resources) where changes are needed.
The plan will include objectives and tasks to support the strategies and goals. These objectives will be reviewed and adjusted as the District changes. The number of objectives may increase or decrease, as well, depending on the District status. Tasks may include updates to the bylaws.
Each phase will address Key Performance Indicators (KPI), which serve as a foundation to achieve long-term sustainable Distinguished District status:
- Membership Growth and Retention
- Club Growth and Retention
- Education and Training
- Revenue & Funding.
Each phase will provide strategies, objectives, and tasks to improve the District KPIs. The SPC will work with District leaders and monitor objective and task implementation.
Feel free to complete and submit the form below. The Strategic Planning Committee will receive information.